
Adventurers can enhance their gear to grow even stronger.


  • Gear can be crafted at the Forge in Rohan.

  • Mithril can be used to craft [SR] gear.

  • Soul Stones can be used to craft [SSR] gear.

Gear Parts

  • A character can equip 6 different pieces of gear.

  • Gear Parts: Weapon, Head, Chest, Back, Feet, Hands

  • Each class has its own gear.

Enhancing Gear

  • Gear is divided into 8 grades: [R], [R+], [SR], [SR+], [SSR], [SSR+], [UR], [UR+].

  • Gear can be enhanced up to Lv. 10 using Iron Ores.

  • Once your gear has reached its max level, it can be fused with other gear of the same part.

  • Only R–SSR gear can be fused to increase its grade.

  • Gear used as Fusion material will be destroyed.

  • [UR] Gear is divided into NFT Soul Gear and in-game Soul Gear.

Soul Gear

  • UR Gear is also called Soul Gear.

  • NFT Soul Gear can be minted at XPLA GAMES.

  • Soul Gear is mainly divided into two categories: NFT Gear and in-game Soul Gear.

  • As for [UR+] Gear, there's only in-game Soul Gear. You can obtain them via Fusion at Refinery.

  • In-game Soul Gear are bound to your characters. You can craft up to [UR+] through Fusion at Forge.

  • Each piece can have different skills based on its Soul.

  • NFT Gear with Souls mark is rare and powerful.

  • Players can create, use, and trade NFT Gear in-game.

  • The Soul Options of Soul Gear can be found below:

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